The engagement of university students in contingency




Student participation, learning, pandemics, university students, motivation


Studying the involvement of the student body in their educational path makes it possible to explain their academic results based on important dimensions of the university context. The present study describes the involvement of students from the National Pedagogical University in the Convid19 pandemic. The aim is to answer the question: What factors linked to student engagement or involvement counteracted school dropout in times of pandemic? To achieve this objective, quantitative-descriptive research was designed. 120 students participating in the study were in the eighth semester in 2021-II of the degrees in Educational Administration, Pedagogy and Educational Psychology at the National Pedagogical University. The NSSE (National Survey of Student Engagement) questionnaire was applied, consisting of five areas: level of academic challenge, active and collaborative learning, interaction between teachers and students, enriching educational experiences and campus environment. The results show that the most outstanding involvement factors are motivation, teaching practice and interaction, to a lesser extent institutional academic support; it is also shown that the students were affected by the almost zero interaction between peers and collaborative learning. The evaluation of teachers is polarized, marked by the teachers' ability to work in virtual mode, in addition to the fact that they consider there was little institutional academic support.


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How to Cite

Rivera Morales, A. (2024). The engagement of university students in contingency . Cuaderno De Pedagogía Universitaria, 21(41), 35–51.